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The Readmissions data model is designed to enable analysis of hospital readmissions in an acute inpatient care setting. The data model includes concepts related to all-cause 30-day readmissions and dimensions useful to stratify readmission metrics.


The Readmissions data mart consists of two tables: readmission_summary and encounter_augmented.

The encounter_augmented table is at the encounter grain (i.e. each row represents a unique acute inpatient encounter from the core.encounter table). Use this table to look at all acute inpatient encounters and see the data elements associated with each encounter that are relevant for doing readmission analytics. The table also has data quality flags that indicate if each encounter (i.e. each row in this table) qualifies to be used for readmission analytics as well as the different data quality problems for which the encounter might be excluded from being used in readmission analytics.

The readmission_summary table is also at the encounter grain, but we exclude encounters having data quality problems preventing them from being used in readmission analytics. So this table has a subset of the encounters in the encounter_augmented table. For every encounter in this table (i.e. for every row in this table), we have columns representing data elements associated with the encounter as well as data elements associated with a potential readmission encounter. This is the table that is used to calculate readmission rate.

Data Dictionary


Each record in this table represents a unique acute inpatient admission. Acute inpatient encounters are excluded from this table if they don't meet certain data quality requirements. This table is the primary table that should be used for analyzing readmissions.

Primary Key:

  • encounter_id

Foreign Keys:

  • encounter_id (join to core.encounter)
  • patient_id (join to core.patient)
ColumnData TypeDescriptionTerminology


Each record in this table represents a unique acute inpatient admission. However, the main difference between this table and readmission_summary is that this table contains every acute inpatient encounter found in core.encounter whereas readmission_summary filters out acute inpatient encounters that have data quality problems which prevent them from being included in readmission analytics. A table detailing all encounters with extra information related to the encounter, and flags for information that might affect the readmission calculations.

This table includes columns for data quality tests related to readmissions, so you can see why admissions that are not in readmission_summary were excluded.

Primary Key:

  • encounter_id
ColumnData TypeDescriptionTerminology


Overall Readmission Rate
-- The numerator is the number of encounters that are index admissions 
-- (i.e. that are eligible to have a readmission count against them)
-- and DID have an unplanned 30-day readmission:
(select count(*)
from readmissions.readmission_summary
where index_admission_flag = 1 and unplanned_readmit_30_flag = 1) * 100
-- The denominator is the number of encounters that are index admissions
-- (i.e. that are eligible to have a readmission count against them):
(select count(*)
from readmissions.readmission_summary
where index_admission_flag = 1) as overall_readmission_rate
30-day Readmission Rate by Month
with readmit as 
to_char(discharge_date, 'YYYYMM') as year_month
, sum(case when index_admission_flag = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as index_admissions
, sum(case when index_admission_flag = 1 and unplanned_readmit_30_flag = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as readmissions
from readmissions.readmission_summary
group by to_char(discharge_date, 'YYYYMM')

,case when index_admissions = 0 then 0 else readmissions / index_admissions end as readmission_rate
from readmit
order by year_month
30-day Readmission Rate by MS-DRG
with readmit as 
, sum(case when index_admission_flag = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as index_admissions
, sum(case when index_admission_flag = 1 and unplanned_readmit_30_flag = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as readmissions
from readmissions.readmission_summary rs
left join terminology.ms_drg drg on rs.ms_drg_code = drg.ms_drg_code
group by

,case when readmissions = 0 then 0 else readmissions / index_admissions end as readmission_rate
from readmit
order by index_admissions desc
Disqualified Encounters

Let's find how many encounters were disqualified.

select count(*) encounter_count
from readmissions.encounter_augmented
where disqualified_encounter_flag = 1
Disqualification Reason

We can see the reason(s) why an encounter was disqualified by unpivoting the disqualification reason column.

with disqualified_unpivot as (
select encounter_id
, disqualified_reason
, flagvalue
from readmissions.encounter_augmented
flagvalue for disqualified_reason in (
, invalid_ms_drg_flag
, invalid_primary_diagnosis_code_flag
, missing_admit_date_flag
, missing_discharge_date_flag
, admit_after_discharge_flag
, missing_discharge_disposition_code_flag
, missing_ms_drg_flag
, missing_primary_diagnosis_flag
, no_diagnosis_ccs_flag
, overlaps_with_another_encounter_flag
) as unpvt

select encounter_id
, disqualified_reason
, row_number () over (partition by encounter_id order by disqualified_reason) as disqualification_number
from disqualified_unpivot
where flagvalue = 1